Influence Campaigns

At Cutbill Jacoby, our influence campaigns seamlessly integrate public relations, strategic communications, marketing, public affairs, and design to effectively convey compelling narratives to a global audience.

Comprehensive Strategic Approach: We employ a holistic strategy to shift public perception and influence political landscapes. Our goal is to advocate for meaningful change across various industries and regulatory environments. This involves aligning our approach with the specific needs and objectives of our clients.

Media and Thought Leadership: To advance our clients' goals, we engage third-party voices and thought leaders who can authentically champion the causes our clients support. We craft narratives that resonate through national and international press campaigns, ensuring that our clients' messages are effectively communicated and heard.

Broadcaster and Political Engagement: We extend our efforts beyond the media by collaborating with broadcasters and policymakers across both sides of the Atlantic. This includes working with legislators and regulators to drive legislative and regulatory changes that align with our clients' objectives.

Global Policy Influence: Our campaigns are designed to reach influential policymakers and public bodies globally. We facilitate communication with European Union policymakers, think tanks, as well as US Senators and Government Departments, ensuring that our clients' perspectives are considered in global regulatory discussions.

Reputation and Perception Management: We focus on changing perceptions related to individuals, corporations, and public issues. By strategically positioning our clients and their messages, we aim to influence how they are viewed by the public and key stakeholders.

Through this multifaceted approach, Cutbill Jacoby drives impactful influence campaigns that effectively communicate our clients' narratives and achieve their strategic objectives.