Public Affairs

We offer expert public affairs services designed to navigate the complex political landscape and influence policy decisions effectively. Our approach integrates strategic planning, political expertise, and stakeholder engagement to align public affairs efforts with our clients' business objectives. Notably, Andy Cutbill’s experience in creating and managing the APPG for Industrial Hemp and CBD Products underscores our capability to handle intricate public affairs challenges with real-world impact.

Strategic Planning:

We develop strategies to engage with political stakeholders and shape policy and legislation, creating detailed roadmaps that align with our clients' goals. This ensures our public affairs efforts are effectively directed towards influencing political outcomes.

Political Expertise:

Our team’s deep understanding of political processes and structures allows us to navigate complex environments and provide strategic insights. Staying attuned to current political trends helps us guide clients through intricate political landscapes.

Stakeholder Engagement:

We build relationships with key political stakeholders, including government officials, legislators, and regulators. Our network also extends to think tanks, NGOs, and other influential groups, fostering valuable connections to support our clients' objectives.

Policy Analysis:

We monitor and analyse relevant policies and legislation, providing insights into potential impacts and strategic recommendations for positioning. This helps our clients stay ahead of legislative changes.


Our lobbying strategies represent client interests effectively to policymakers, working to influence legislation and regulation in favour of our clients.

Issue Management:

We identify and monitor emerging political issues, developing strategies to address potential challenges proactively. Our approach helps mitigate risks and manage reputational impact during political controversies.

Coalition Building:

We form alliances with like-minded organisations to amplify messaging and influence. Coordinating multi-stakeholder initiatives strengthens advocacy efforts and achieves common goals.

Media Relations:

We craft media strategies to support our public affairs objectives, securing positive coverage in political and policy-focused media. Our established relationships with political journalists enhance our clients' visibility.

Crisis Management:

Our rapid response capabilities address political crises effectively. We develop tailored crisis communication plans to mitigate reputational damage and manage controversies.

Event Management:

We organise political events, roundtables, and briefings, managing participation in key conferences and political gatherings to ensure impactful representation.

Research and Intelligence:

Conducting thorough political and policy research allows us to provide regular intelligence briefings. We offer insights into competitor activities, keeping our clients strategically informed.

Measurement and Reporting:

We establish KPIs to track the impact of our public affairs activities and provide regular updates to clients on progress and outcomes. Our measurement practices ensure transparency and effectiveness.

Ethical Compliance:

All activities comply with lobbying regulations and ethical standards, maintaining transparency in engagements and advising clients on ethical considerations.

Digital Public Affairs:

We leverage digital platforms to develop online advocacy campaigns and monitor political discussions on social media, enhancing our clients’ political engagement and communication.